Monday, November 27, 2006

American Economic Performance – the Envy of the World

We just celebrated “Black Friday,” the day in America where everyone goes out to participate in the great merchandising splendor of post-Thanksgiving Christmas shopping! We should feel very blessed to be able to champion such a day where we typically spend somewhere around $8 billion, not for various necessities of life, but for gift-buying items like video play stations and plasma TVs. It serves as a true mark of America’s unrivaled success in economic prosperity, but for all of our free enterprise success do we fully understand the political dimensions of our economic health?

The United States is the number one economy in the world. Our gross domestic product, now over $13 trillion, is greater than that of all the countries of the European Union combined! The average state in the U.S. has a higher GDP per capita than any of the EU countries. In fact, France, Italy, Great Britain and Germany, each have a lower GDP than all but four of our states. At their best, the EU productivity rates can only reach the level of states like Arkansas, Mississippi and West Virginia. The U.S. not only has a greater output, but it’s increasing at double the pace- 4% compared to an anemic 2% for the EU.

There was much talk during the recent elections regarding our government’s spending problems and how it relates to our national debt and deficits. The statements were almost universally condemning and fraught with dire warnings, but how much of this caterwauling is true? As with most things, a bit of contextual comparison is in order, to best understand the issue.

The National Debt is best viewed by its relationship to a nation’s output, or GDP, ie. “debt” as it compares to one’s ability to pay. In 1945, the U.S. had a debt to GDP ratio of 121% and now, it’s half of that at 64%. By comparison, the average American has a ratio of Household Debt to Annual Income of 110%. In other words, most Americans carry a debt, ($51,062.02 on average), that is more than their annual take home pay. This explains why, since 1985, bankruptcy filings have gone up over 400%. Using only Mortgage debt for consumers, the ratio is still very high at 80%. Thus, Americans are more leveraged than the government they criticize for fiscal irresponsibility! In terms of other industrialized nations, the U.S. is in better shape than Germany, France and Italy. Japan, for instance, has a Debt/GDP ratio of 164%!
Contrary to the opinion of the political-opportunists: the sky is Not falling!

Over the past forty years, America’s average Deficit to GDP ratio has been at 2.3%. (The Deficit is the annual shortfall of debt, as opposed to the National Debt which is the overall accumulation of deficits for all fiscal years.) With the surprisingly good 2006 deficit of $250 billion, the current ratio comes in below the forty-year average at 2%. The equivalent analysis for the American citizen is the debt service, or interest payments, to annual after tax income relationship. This ratio is 13.75%, and climbing! Unlike the Federal trend, American consumers are getting worse, not better.

Looking at the Total Debt vs. Total Assets financial picture one can see that the Federal Government has a ratio of 9%, $8.5 trillion vs. $94.1 trillion, whereas the average American, once again, fails by comparison, doubling this rate of indebtedness with 18.5%. Even as home values have appreciated substantially over the years, the leveraged equity, incurred by most homeowners, has increased by even more!

Current unemployment numbers are around 4%, which is the lowest in years, and a rate that most economists view as “full employment.” Inflation is practically non-existent at 1.3%. Tax revenues are coming into the Treasury at the highest rates ever even with the Bush tax cuts, proving again the Reagan “supply-side” model of lower rates spurring greater growth and higher tax receipts. The stock market has been on a historic rally and we remain the envy of the world for our tremendous economic performance! Yet, the politics of divisiveness maintained dire economic predictions during the campaign of ’06.

So, what’s all the fuss? As Americans we always demand more, but we should be mindful of what the the philosopher once said, “don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good.” We should never allow our interest in improving our situation overwhelm our capacity to continue along the path of “good”results.

During WWII our National Debt increased seven-fold. This was the 121% era of Debt to GDP. We should never forget how we got out of that situation. We grew out of it. Economic growth subsequently dwarfed the amount of all additional new debt. Since 1946, inflation-adjusted debt has grown 84%, but the economy has grown by 429%- more than five times as much! It is a “dynamic” and not “static”economic situation. We should never fall prey to those who suggest immediate tax hikes to “fix” the debt/deficit problem. Such foolish policies would serve only to cripple economic development, thus impeding our ability to grow and expand out of it.

Does this mean we have no financial worries at the Federal level? Of course not. The area of most concern is Social Security and Medicare. Together these two programs amount to an unfunded liability of $33.2 trillion- 8 times larger than our current total National Debt! Without reform, we are left with only two options: (1) raise taxes to levels unseen in American history, or (2) increase the debt ratio to levels comparable to those experienced during WWII. Either way, Americans could expect substantially higher taxes, lower incomes and more poverty.

America, with all of her talent, resources and freedom to accomplish such remarkable things as “Black Friday,” all in the cause of Playstation 3, surely can find the wherewithal to produce a practical answer to solving the fiscal needs facing the strongest Economic Nation on Earth!

Since the Tax and Debt options, (ie. paying options), are unrealistic, logic tells me, it’s the Liabilities themselves that are the most unrealistic of all! Today’s unfunded liabilities remain- tomorrow’s tax or debt burden! (send comments to

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

America : Open Your Golden Gate

“San Francisco Values” has just taken over in Washington D. C. Voters rejected Republican leadership a week ago and now they have unwittingly turned the country over to radical leftists like Nancy Pelosi-the presumptive, new Speaker of the House. Pelosi would be third in line for the presidency in the unlikely event of something happening to Bush and Cheney. Given her views on the War on Terror, and her anticipated elimination of certain important safeguards like the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, NSA wire-taps, etc., such a scenario, engineered by an emboldened enemy, may not be so far-fetched. Whatever it was that prompted voters to toss out the GOP, somehow, I don’t think they imagined they would be endorsing this type of militant socialism taking control of the U.S. Congress. The proverbial barking dogs of the Left have now “caught the car,” and so, we all await the strange and bizarre consequences emerging from this paradoxical success.

Nancy Pelosi has represented California’s 8th district, including San Francisco, for nearly 20 years. She has served in a leadership role with the House Democrats since 2002. In the last Congress, Pelosi received the highest liberal rating given , (95% approval), from the ADA, the Americans for Democratic Action group. She also serves as an Executive Committee member for the Progressive Caucus which is connected to the Democratic Socialists of America- a group purported to be “the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International.”

The Progressive Caucus was begun in 1991 by avowed-Socialist Bernie Sanders, congressman from Vermont and former Socialist mayor of Burlington. Their main goal is the promotion of government-directed wealth redistribution via a multitude of collectivist-engineered social policies. In short, Class Warfare. Their agenda, which is now America’s agenda by default, is: socialized medicine, radical environmentalism, subordination of American foreign policy to the UN and Internationalists, pulling out of Iraq, and eliminating the “War on Terror tools” such as the Patriot Act and NSA wire-tapping as well as other Intelligence gathering procedures currently being employed by the Bush Administration.

There are several prominent democrats who are members of this Caucus who will likely chair many of the House Committees during the next session. Radicals like John Conyers, Barney Frank and Henry Waxman will wield tremendous power and influence over the next two years. Even if they were to personally wish to mute some of these extreme positions, their unhinged, core constituencies won’t be so easily placated. The pressure to launch endless investigations into the Bush Administration, including impeachment proceedings, will no doubt be raging in full force during the tumultuous months to come. At a time of war- was this the type of government that Americans really wanted? Was this the type ofgovernment that Americans truly voted FOR?

One thing’s for sure, it seems to be the type of government that our enemies wanted! From the Terrorists in Tehran to the Communists in Caracas, the joyful jubilation of our foes was hard to miss. Israel outwardly mourned the results of the election as they saw it as a serious blow to their ongoing and all-important American support. Ahmadinajad, the leader of Iran, proudly proclaimed that “Israel’s destruction is near!” One simply cannot deny that our enemies are vigorously encouraged by this abrupt power change in Washington.

What other surprises will there be from Pelosi’s new reign? Even though one can rightly gauge a considerable victory for certain, ideologically “conservative” initiatives from the ’08 election, (seven states overwhelmingly rejected homosexual marriage), Pelosi, on the other hand, represents quite a contrast. She has voted for: homosexual marriage, federal funding of abortion, gun control, amnesty for illegals and a time-table for withdrawal from Iraq. She’s voted against: cutting taxes, the death penalty, drilling for oil in ANWR, school choice, reducing the death tax, renewing the Patriot Act, and criminalizing flag desecration. “Speaker Pelosi” has also endorsed Jack Murtha for Majority Leader. Murtha is notorious for having condemned American soldiers in Iraq of “killing innocent civilians in cold blood!” This helps explain the numerous reports of troop dismay and discouragement coming out of Iraq since the election.
They’ve known all along that the only way they could possibly lose this war is through a lack of support from domestic, “cut and run” policies on the home front.

The electoral results of 2008 amount to a gigantic fraud being perpetrated upon the American people. We have been hoodwinked into embracing a new, transgendered, “Government in Drag.” It can’t be denied that the American People had some valid concerns regarding the direction of their government: the War in Iraq, the disaster of illegal immigration, out of control federal spending and various issues of Congressional corruption, but did this mean that Americans were equally willing to go marching off with Pelosi & Co. down some forlorn, left-wing alley- “arm in arm” with a cadre of Socialists, Abortionists, Peaceniks and Gun-grabbers in one big, tax-raising Gay Pride Parade? I don’t think so! San Francisco Values are not America’s Values yet! Thank God!
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Corker vs. Ford

The Eyes of the World are on Tennessee. In the balance, could be the control of the U.S. Senate and the fate of the global war on Terror. France is currently revealing how foolish it is to entertain the idea of “cutting and running” as they are now fighting their own domestic “intefada.” Over 5,000 French police officers have been attacked by Islamic forces over the last few months emboldened by the French doctrine of appeasement- proving once again, the old adage that Evil left unopposed, is Evil encouraged. It also yields credence to the idea that we will either fight these terrorists there, in their backyard, or here, in our own!

The main question is which candidate will be most supportive of: the ongoing mission in Iraq, electronic surveillance of likely terrorist communications, interrogation of detainees which include tactics beyond “name, rank and serial number,” and continued use of the Patriot Act as well as the Department of Homeland Security. What shouldn’t go beyond notice is how the current policies in place have kept America safe from sub-sequent attacks following 9/11. It’s not because our enemies have magically reformed and no longer mean us harm, it is because they’ve been diverted by both- our offensive strategy in Iraq, and our defensive strategy here at home.

Congressman Harold Ford, age 36, is a professional politician from Memphis who has served the past ten years in Washington where he’s voted 88% in lockstep with his party despite his claims of being a a staunch “Independent.” Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy actually vote more in support of President Bush than Harold Ford! During his career he has voted “no” on making the Patriot Act permanent and “no” on the Death Penalty for convicted Terrorists. He also voted “no” on adopting the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission and has opposed enhancing our Intelligence Gathering capability. Ford has received an 89% approval rating from the Left-wing, anti-Nuke, Peace group SANE. He has received an “F” rating from the NRA and an “A” rating from the Internationalist group: Citizens for Global Solutions. Ford voted “no” on a House Proclamation that declared Iraq part of the war on Terror, and has routinely favored the UN and a multilateralist approach over a more Independent U.S. Foreign Policy.

Ford has a lifetime, (National Journal), liberal rating of 67.3%, the highest of all Tennessee Representatives. He also ranks first in the highest amount of money received from lobbyists. His out-of-state contributions represent 63% of his total campaign finances. Barbra Streisand, Leonard Nimoy, David Geffen and Don Imus are among his contributors representing the liberal attitudes of Hollywood and New York over that of the values of common Tennesseeans. By contrast, 95% of Corker’s contributions come from within the State. Money buys influence in politics, and one must wonder how much influence these Outsiders will have if Harold Ford is elected.

Bob Corker bills himself as a practical, conservative businessman who has lived most of his life in Tennessee. He’s a graduate of UT, a former mayor of Chattanooga and and a successful entrepreneur who started his own construction business. He is endorsed by the National Right to Life group for his opposition to abortion and by the NRA for his strong support of Gun Rights.

He supports “finishing the job” in Iraq, lower taxes, strengthening our border and strict-constructionist judges who won’t “legislate from the bench.” He also opposes homosexual “marriage” and amnesty for illegal aliens.

Another huge distinction between he and Ford is Health Care. Corker favors: medical savings accounts, tax credits, small business pools and malpractice reform as methods of making Health Care more affordable and accessible. Ford, a self-described “lawyer”though he’s never passed the bar, supports the Trial Lawyers’ position of opposing caps in malpractice suits- five votes since 2001. Ford-contributor Fred Baron, former president of the Trial Lawyer Association, has vowed a “Jihad” against Tort Reform advocates and has boasted that “Trial Lawyers run the Democrat Senate.” He also voted “no” on banning physician-assisted suicide.

The National Taxpayers Union has given Ford a lifetime rating of 23%, labeling him a “Big Spender.” Given Ford’s many votes against tax relief over the course of his career, (it’s been reported he’s voted 78 times for tax increases), this defines him squarely as a typical “tax and spend” Liberal that will do very little for bringing fiscal responsibility to Washington. By contrast, Corker has a proven record of good fiscal management both as mayor of Chattanooga and as Tennessee Finance Commissioner.

Today marks the end of Early Voting. If you haven’t voted yet, you can still vote from 9am to 4pm today at the Election Commission office in Jacksboro, from 9am to 2pm at the Jellico Municipal Building, or wait until Tuesday, November 7. Many have sacrificed their lives so you can vote- please don’t let them down. (send comments to:

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Connecting the Electoral Dots in Iraq

“What does Iraq have to do with 9/11?” “The war in Iraq is a disaster, we should pull out immediately.” These are two, frequently heard comments in the debate over our foreign policy regarding the Islamic Terrorists. These oft-repeated remarks reflect valid, concerns, but do they reflect the whole truth?

With our elections just two weeks away, we need to think long and hard about this issue before voting. The Democrat-leadership, overwhelmingly liberal, has made it clear what their plans will be if they capture the House or Senate: immediate withdrawal from Iraq, constitutional “rights” afforded to suspected, terrorist enemies currently being detained, and the end to wire-tapping surveillance which has been successful in intercepting terrorist communications that have consequently thwarted several planned attacks.

Since 9/11, under the leadership of President Bush, America has employed a new, comprehensive strategy for engaging our sworn enemies. The untold story is this- with initiatives such as the Patriot Act, Homeland Security and the military engagement of outlaw states around the world, we have been enormously effective in putting our enemy squarely on the defensive- just where they ought to be! Have there been high costs to pay for this Bush doctrine? Yes, most definitely, all wars incur great expense in both lives and treasure, but as 9/11 NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani reminds us, “by going on the offense these past five years we have most assuredly prevented further attacks in our own country.”

The Brooklyn Bridge, the New York PATH Train and the Golden Gate Bridge are just a few of the al Qaeda targets over the last few years that have been saved from sure destruction by our new Security System- wire-tapping included. Al Qaeda-member Assem Hammond is currently being held under arrest in Lebanon for helping to organize some of these plots. The Brooklyn Bridge target was an operation being planned by al Zarqawi, who thankfully, was killed last June by our military forces in Iraq! That might appear odd to some, since the Bush-haters would have us all believe that al Qaeda has nothing at all to do with Iraq?

For further enlightenment on the Iraq/al Qaeda linkage one needs only to take a close look at the Madrid bombings of March 3, 2004. Jamal Zougam was one of the first people arrested after the Spanish train bombings which killed 191 and injured 1700. In one of the bags that failed to explode authorities found a cell phone that was traced back to Zougam’s address. Zougam was part of an al Qaeda cell led by Yarkas and Azizi who, in turn, were proven agents in the planning of 9/11. In the Tarragona region of Spain these terrorists coordinated meetings between a Hamburg cell and Mohammed Atta, pilot of the first plane that hit the World Trade Towers. I would say that’s a pretty close connection!

Norwegian Defense authorities discovered that Jihadists had targeted Spain in 2004 because they were perceived to be the weak link in Europe for supporting the war in Iraq. Abu Dujan Al Afgani, military spokesman for al Qaeda in Europe, said, “this is a response to Spain’s collaboration with the criminals Bush and his allies…to the crimes that you caused in the world, and specifically in Iraq and Afghanistan, and there will be more if God wills it.” After Tony Blair, Spain’s prime minister Aznar was Bush’s strongest European ally in the War on Terror. That is, until the election!

Four days after the Madrid bombing, Zapatero, the candidate of the Socialist Workers Party, replaced Aznar after winning a dramatic electoral victory supported by those intimidated by the attack and waving placards that read, “No to War, Yes to Peace.”The voting results followed the al Qaeda plan perfectly, and troops were subsequently withdrawn from Iraq. Liberals are faced with the disturbing thought that: if Iraq has nothing at all to do with al Qaeda, then why would al Qaeda care so much about removing Spanish troops from there? Spain had been third, behind Great Britain and Italy, for their troop level commitment. Lee Feinstein, a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations remarked, “the most troubling thing about this is the way the incoming Spanish government is sending a message to terrorists that this may be a
potential model for them to affect policy and elections.” Presumably they want to affect such elections for their favored purposes, don’t they? It was generally agreed at the time, that Spain had indeed capitulated in the face of terrorist pressure. Time correspondent Andrew Sullivan said, “in [the] election victory for the socialists al Qaeda got even more than it could have dreamed of. It has removed a government intent on fighting terrorism and installed another intent on appeasing it.” Sen. Joe Lieberman noted, “any withdrawal by Spain would amount to appeasement. Anyone who thinks that if…a nation’s troops stay out of a particular military conflict that they’ll be somehow protected from the fanatical Islamic terrorists, is just wrong! That’s the same logic that Neville Chamberlain [used] in Munich to try to pacify Hitler in the late 1930s, and obviously that didn’t work.”

Before voting this election, remember which party supports Sen. Lieberman’s view, and which party just kicked him out for the sole reason of his support for an aggressive, offensive strategy in the war on Terror. As you prepare to do your solemn duty in the voting booth consider which candidate al Qaeda might be for…then vote the oppositeway!
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Monday, October 2, 2006

Finding some Political Morals

Politics is the struggle for power to effect change in government policy for the purpose of two principle motivations: (1) The Factional, subjective benefits of the Spoils System, (party patronage), and (2) general, public morality, (party ideology).

Many view politics today as solely benefiting the cause of the first consideration- the rewards of “patronage.” They have become terminally cynical towards the idea that either party, or candidate, has anything whatsoever to do with the general welfare of all! Truth is: both major parties in the US are equally guilty of this corrupting influence of patronage. The only way it could ever be reduced is if the size and scope of government itself was reduced. In other words, a smaller government would offer fewer opportunities to exercise influence. Thus, those who favor bigger government should necessarily be viewed as concomitantly favoring the prospects for increasing political patronage!

But, as Ronald Reagan once said, “America is about more than Who gets What!” –

The second motivation that drives politics, and its struggle, is the idea of public morality. Morality is not something we should avoid in our political discussion. It is the very thing that makes our politics distinguishable as a true opportunity for pursuing an altruistic endeavor, apart from patronage, that equally benefits us all. Conversely, that government which operates without morality, is nothing more than a syndicate organized to legally plunder one faction from another. At the heart of this moral concern is the idea of competing values.

George Soros, the founder of and the financier of several other political entities now vying for control of the Democrat party, has had this to say about Christian-values in politics, “the separation of church and state, the bedrock of our democracy, is clearly undermined by having a born-again President.” He also proclaimed, “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”

Hillary Clinton, a fan of Soros and his war against capitalism, Christianity & a strong, independent America, proudly remarked, “I have known George Soros for a long time, we need people like [him], who [are] fearless, and willing to step up when it counts.”

Howard Dean, chairman of the Democrat National Committee, revealed his religious bigotry at a Florida primary meeting in 2004: “we’re going to take back this country from the Christian Fundamentalists.” Christian Fundamentalism, by the way, is simply a belief in: the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the atonement, the inerrancy of Scripture and the Second Coming of Christ. Apparently, he believes such individuals should be relegated to the back of the bus! But, if morality and social values don’t come from our Judeo-Christian, Western-Civilization heritage, then where do they come from?

The main opposing value system to our Western Tradition over the decades has been Secular Humanism and Socialism. Hugo Chavez, the Leftist-dictator of Venezuela, has recently revealed just how radical this belief system can be! He is considered a hero to the likes of Cindy Sheehan and Danny Glover. But, what should be more alarming, however, is how moderate-to conservative, ‘rank and file’ Democrats have had their party high-jacked into supporting this type of Marxist-thought by the power-brokers of their own party, who, incredibly, find sympathy with these radical ideologies.

The result of this Leftist takeover has been the realignment of southern politics. 70% of Southern Senators in 1990 were Democrats, today, 70% are Republicans. Emory University Political Scientist Merle Black observes: “More than 80% of white conservatives in the South now belong to the Republican party, and only 10% are Democrats.” According to Black, the rationale seems to involve the machinations of the Democrat hierarchy: “For Democrat committee leadership, the rewards tend to go more often to liberals. It’s about impossible to have a leadership position in the House Democrat party if one behaves as a conservative.”

As a further demonstration of this trend, consider who the likely Committee Leaders will be if the Democrats win control this November: Robert Byrd, Joe Biden, Teddy Kennedy, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, John Dingell, Henry Waxman, Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, John Conyers and avowed Socialist, Bernie Sanders. Many of these individuals are, in fact, members of the Socialist-leaning, Progessive Caucus!

Putting all patronage aside, one should consider the roots of the competing ideologies vying for control of our nation before casting a vote this November. Remember what John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a MORAL and RELIGIOUS people, it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” I’m just glad Howard Dean, George Soros and Hillary Clinton weren’t around back in 1776 to file a class-action, ACLU, restraining order against our Founding Fathers! (send comments to:

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Bush-hating Dogma

Dogma: an authoritative, arrogant assertion of improvable principles. “President Bush is Hitler!” “Bush is the World’s Worst Terrorist!” “Bush Lied, People Died!” These are but a few of the extremist slogans one hears emanating today from the Left. Folks such as: Howard Dean, Al Gore, the Dixie Chicks, Al Franken, George Soros,, Air America, Michael Moore and scores of others, representing both Hollywood and the Democrat Party, are becoming unhinged in their irrational and dogmatic hatred of President Bush. Cindy Sheehan, friend and ally of Left-wing dictator Hugo Chavez, has defiantly declared, “this war is a crime, and we represent millions of Americans who withdraw their support from this government!”

Sen. Joe Lieberman of CT, though voting with his Party 90% of time, is apparently not “dogmatic enough” to satisfy their leadership. Even if he wins in November as an Independent candidate facing anti-war zealot and Democrat-nominee Ned Lamont, he has been promised by his Party Leadership that he will be stripped of all his former power in the Senate. This is a purging type of dogmatism that would make even Stalin proud!

The danger of this totalitarian trend is that it is eclipsing all reasonable debate. Instead of offering legitimate political alternatives within the mainstream of moderate opposition, the Left resorts to ad hominem attacks such as, “Bush is stupid,” or “Bush is an idiot!” When one points out that Bush is the first president to hold a MBA degree, (from Harvard), that he completed the rigorous training of F-102 flight school, and that he had higher grades at Yale than John Kerry, such facts simply fall on deaf, dogmatic ears!

One of the worst examples of this empty-headed rhetoric is the shameful bumper sticker I’ve seen recently, displaying the sixth letter of the alphabet above the words, “The President.” It’s an obscene parody of the popular Bush bumper sticker, “W, The President.” One has every right to choose whomever one desires for President, but must we condone such divisive and distasteful childishness? This is the very type of coarse attitude that is poisoning our ability to come together now as a Nation during this most critical time. Such strident militancy is more the temperament of selfish brats than the respectful communication of mature adults. Where is the bipartisan decorum of the Past that worked to bridge our political differences in a civil and constructive manner?

Another example is Congressman John Murtha’s baseless accusation that, “[American Soldiers] have killed innocent civilians in cold blood!” He willingly obscures the truth, in an effort to score cheap political points against our Commander-in-Chief in a time of war. What’s intriguing to me is the consideration of where all this recent strain of counter-productive, hateful, political discourse came from.

I believe the roots for this “Coalition of the ill-informed and over-indulgent” can be traced back to the cultivated insanity that was- the Clinton years. Those who swallowed the Clinton lies then were seduced into drinking the proverbial Kool-Aid, and just like Alice who fell through the looking glass- nothing for these deluded individuals has ever been the same since! They have become willingly blind to all reality.

Clinton should have followed Nixon’s honorable example of “putting his country ahead of himself” and resigned. Instead, he preferred to model a very different character to the Nation. His selfish and obstinate resistance to the truth, in spite of all evidence against him, stubbornly set our country upon a needless course toward further embarrassment and division. This is the foundation, in my opinion, for much of today’s unreasonable Liberal Establishment- they’re simply following in lock step behind Clinton’s example.

Choosing to defend the indefensible Clinton Administration a decade ago, in the face of a multitude of undeniable and complicit misadventures, sealed the fate for many, whose willing participation then, leaves them firmly adrift now, with no moral compass to faithfully guide them. Simply put, rational thinking has been jettisoned for short-term, political gain.

This loss of objectivity and reason is the anarchy of “Will To Power,” and results in the mindless dictates of today’s anti-Bush propaganda that is now rooting for us to lose in the War on Terror. I guess they haven’t figured out that, “Death to America” means death to them too! The virulent, unforgiving and illogical aspects of both eras, (the Clinton 90s and today), engender the exact same results: Ignore the Truth and Defend the Party, at all costs. What perhaps they haven’t realized yet, is that they have sold their souls to the infernal whims of a devilish dogmatism that won’t stop until it has devoured us all.

What should be most alarming to Americans is the way in which the Liberal Media aid and abet this strategy by refusing to expose it’s true, anti-democratic nature! In our American Politics, the dogma of party factionalism remains, the enemy of government that has pledged itself to be: Of, By and For- THE PEOPLE. (Send comments

Friday, September 15, 2006

You Can't Force Faith

The struggle between Western Culture and Islam comes down to one undeniable difference: Freedom vs. Fascism.

The core values of our competing belief systems are diametrically opposed. They are polar opposites which can’t be resolved even by the most tolerant graduate of the Jimmy Carter Center for Peace. In our Western, Judeo-Christian tradition we value freedom of conscience in equal proportion to our claims of Revealed Truth. However, in the Islamic tradition, one finds religious virtue perverted into a dogmatically defined adherence to strict behavioral codes which are absent any consideration for individual choice.

As we contemplate the value of our culture in light of this global struggle we’re now confronting, we should remember: there is NO virtue without choice! If the element of decision is removedfrom the individual’s sovereign capabilities, then virtue cannot possibly exist as part of any integral thing he, or she, does. In the Muslim world, great power is imposed upon the followers of the Koran to model certain distinct forms of “worship.” The desire of the will is irrelevant to the task. To be found sufficient in their faith and acceptable to their culture, they simply must conform to such duties as: reciting a liturgy of prayers in Arabic five times a day; giving to the needy; fasting one month each year from food, drink, sex and smoking; and, making a pilgrimage, at least once in a lifetime, to worship in Mecca. There are additional dress
codes, social segregations and dietary laws which add to the burden of works that the good Muslim must follow, (or else). It is according to their subservience to this strict litany of rules that they find out, at the end of their life, whether they have earned the right to enter a sensual “paradise.” For the men, it is a reward of 77 virgins on 77 beds in 77 different mansions!

In the West, under the particular teachings of Christianity, a person’s individual choice remains paramount to the exercise of religious virtue and redeemable Grace. If one is coerced into making a statement of faith, or into keeping certain rituals, such coercion is regarded, by our orthodox tradition, as foolish and absent all integrity required which make such religious acts both authentic and meaningful. It matters not, that a person may be manipulated into performing more good deeds through coercion, because, we in the West agree, it is the sincerity of the heart along with the joyfulness and willingness of the spirit, that determine the true value, and virtue, of any good deed.

Sure, we have our legalistic tyrants in the West too! There are many fringe religious groups in our country which, to varying degrees, enforce fascist-like standards on their members, but they don’t bomb our buildings and crash our plains. When was the last time you saw an Amish suicide-bomber, or a Seventh-day Adventist hijacker? Conformity is a wonderful thing in the pursuit of a holier life, but in America, if you resort to violence we consider you a Cult that’s to be avoided at all costs.

In the Middle East, such behavior is honored as a great testament to the strength of one’s “virtuous” commitment to “the Faith.” They often reward such militant individuals with positions of national leadership. In the West, we indict you! The difference is in how we measure and value freedom.

The Muslims look at our decadent lifestyles in the West and criticize our departure from holy living. They are correct in their judgments regarding our many sinful failings. But, they are fundamentally wrong to believe that the answer lies in forcing compliance. We should never fall into the fallacy of making “the Perfect” the enemy of “the Good.”

The ends, no matter how desirable, never justify the means. The promise of Islam, which tempts so many to follow, is the desirability for a more perfect holiness when everything isfinally accomplished according to their strict formality of conduct. There is, in this idealistic process, an undeniable extinguishing of the Independent Will which will be replaced by the dominance of an autocratic sovereignty. In this condition, one is programmed to lose all originality and independent purpose for the greater “good” of the assimilated group. This is the way of all Fascist Societies, but such oppression of the individual spirit is anathema to both: Christianity and the American Way of Life. The Virtue, alas, is ours to uphold.
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Monday, June 19, 2006

Mexico Decides 2006

On July 2, Mexicans will go to the polls to decide who will be the successor to President Vicente Fox. Felipe Calderon of the National Action Party, (PAN), is in a very close race with Andner Manuel Lopez Obrador of the Democratic Revolution Party, (PRD). A third candidate, Robert Madrazo of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), is running a distant third.

The socialist PRI party ruled Mexico for 71 years from 1929 until 2000 when Fox, a member of the PAN party, put an end to the one-party rule with his watershed election. Since that time Mexico has established term limits for president which consist of a single term for six years.

Calderon, who served as Energy Secretary in the Fox Administration, won a tough primary fight to be the ruling party’s heir apparent to Fox. He favors free market reforms, conservative fiscal policies and job creation to help make Mexico more self-sufficient so there will be more incentives to keep Mexicans employed at home rather than having them seek employment across the border. Calderon, who is in a virtual dead heat with Obrardor, (each polling at 35%), is also a very strong social conservative espousing definitive pro-life and Christian sentiments in many of his stump speeches.

The PRD candidate Obrardo is a left-wing socialist who served as Mayor of Mexico City. He favors nationalizing the country’s industries and redistributing wealth to the poor. Obrardo’s support comes from Mexico’s lower class, the Academics and the notorious President of Venezuela- Hugo Chavez.

Chavez, a self-declared enemy of the U.S., recently played a major role in the first South American-Arab Summit in Brazil which attacked both the U.S. and Israel as “chief enemies” of Latin America. Chavez is currently harboring and supporting the FARC guerillas of Columbia- one of the largest and most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world! He frequently refers to the U.S. as “the world’s greatest menace.” He sees himself as fulfilling the mission of Che Guevara and Castro to bring Marxist Revolution to the rest of Latin America. The President of Peru, Alan Garcia, who just recently defeated a Chavez-backed contender in his own election, has warned of Chavez’s meddling in Latin America to unite the continent against the U.S.

Recent defectors from the Presidential Palace in Venezuela accuse Chavez of supporting Hezbollah and al Qaeda activists in their country. Juan Diaz Castillo, a former Venezuelan Air Force Major, has said that Chavez paid $1 Million to al Qaeda after 9/11.

Chavez is also urgently working to find left-wing helpers in America through the National Endowment for Democracy, (NED), and other Liberal networks. He recently paid to have Cindy Sheehan flown toVenezuela to help champion his anti-American cause. Besides his allies in the anti-war movement, he also has many friends involved in the recent Illegal Immigration Rallies which were sponsored by Leslie Cagan. Cagan leads a leftist group in the U.S. known as United For Peace, which has an affiliation with ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism). ANSWER is linked to the Iraqi Resistance Movement and interlocks with a myriad of other Marxist organizations like Code Pink, Earth Liberation Front and the Communist World Workers Party. It’s interesting to note that Chavez’s candidacy was originally endorsed by the Carter Center-a nonprofit public policy organization founded in 1982 by Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter. Why is it that Liberals always seem to align themselves with Communists?

Chavez’s rule is thoroughly autocratic, authoritarian, anti-capitalist and militarist. He’s involved in torture, censorship and systematic murder of political opponents. He vows revenge against the Jews and Capitalists who, in his estimation, have taken possession of the wealth of the world!

Sounds like a real sweety doesn’t he?

The private sector in Venezuela is shrinking under Chavez with inflation at 30%, unemployment at 11%, capital investment fleeing the country and the GDP dropping like a rock. No wonder Carter liked him! He’s forming alliances with Cuba, Libya, China and Iran. Bioweapon-manufacturing operations have been moved from Cuba to Venezuela and Cuban officers, as well as Chinese Special Forces, are now in Venezuela to help train Chavez’s military. Also, true to the Totalitarian model, he has used militant gangs to shut down TV and Radio stations that have broadcasted criticism of his policies. Any insult of Chavez is now regarded as a crime against the State. Meeting with Saddam Hussein shortly after his capture, Chavez couldn’t resist embracing
him! I suppose “birds of a feather do flock together.” He has received awards from Muammar Gaddafi and has played host to Iran’s Mohammad Khatami, who besides seeking the development of Nuclear Weapons is requesting permission from the Polish Government to inspect Auschwitz and Birkenau to determine whether or not the Holocaust REALLY happened!

Perhaps the most immediate threat from Chavez has been the indication that he may cut-off the Venezuelan (CITGO) oil supply to the U.S., which is our fourth largest importer at 1.5 million barrels a day. Still, one can’t ignore the disturbing likelihood that Chavez will soon be exporting more “Revolution” than oil since he has purchased over 100,000 AK-47s and various military helicopters from Russia. His actions are worrisome because thery’re beginning to match his rhetorical fervor. Gerver Torres, a former Venezuelan minister, has said, “Chavez’s main motivation now is to do everything he possibly can to negatively affect the U.S.”

With supporters like Chavez, I’m sure hoping that the good people of Mexico will reject Obrardor and cast their vote for the only true Conservative, Pro-American choice: Calderon. Suddenly I’m hungry for El Pueblito’s. Mexican anyone?
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Monday, June 5, 2006

Decoding the Da Vinci Deception

The Da Vinci Code has been a best-selling book, a top box-office movie, and now, even a video game! So what’s all the fuss?

Dan Brown, the author of “The Da Vinci Code,” is attempting to recast the image of Jesus as a totally different figure from the one we’ve come to know through the pages of the Bible. Brown’s book is listed as a work of fiction, but the movie and the media are promoting these ideas as serious questions regarding the “truth” of Christianity and
the Church.

Basing his claims on the heretical Gnostic gospels and a theory first proposed in the 1982 book, “Holy Blood, Holy Grail,” this new Christ is the subject of an elaborate scheme that defies logical explanation. If Brown is to be believed, the real gospel of Jesus Christ involves the supposed marriage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene and their secret offspring in France who would later become the Royal Blood lines of many Kings and Queens of Europe. This, according to the story, is the true meaning behind the worship of the Holy Grail. The “Grail” then, is not a cup at all, but a vessel named Mary Magdalene!

Brown, citing the Gospel of Philip, (a text not accepted as part of the canon of Holy Scripture), says Mary was a “companion” of Jesus. The Aramaic word for companion, we’re led to believe, means wife! But, this ancient text was not written in Aramaic. It was written in Coptic, a language where the word “companion” means “companion!” This is just one of many instances where expediency overcomes accuracy in Brown’s attempt to rush to “prove” these contentions.

In the famous Da Vinci painting of the Last Supper there is the depiction of the young apostle John who, according to Brown, looks too suspiciously like a woman. This is characterized as Da Vinci’s secret way of informing the world that the figure in the painting is not John, but actually Mary Magdalene- Jesus’ wife! There’s only one problem. During the time of Leonardo, the artistic trend was to portray young men as angelic and androgynous. Leonardo was especially praised for his skill in this area, and so no one, aware of this fact, should really be surprised by John’s effeminate appearance.

So what are the Gnostic gospels anyway? These were texts written around the time of the original canon, or in some cases, many years after, that were dismissed by the early church fathers for their obvious errors and attempted forgeries. They do, however, contain certain consistent themes, but none of them have anything to do, whatsoever, with what was, and is, orthodox, Christian belief.

According to the Gnostics- Jesus never claimed to be God, there was no Atonement made for sin, and Jesus didn’t die upon the cross. Everyone is saved in the Gnostic gospel because there is no original sin, and we’re all intrinsically Divine! Furthermore, central to the Gnostic philosophy is the belief that all physical matter is evil. God is something we attain mystically through a system of works: ie. personal, subjective experience involving secret knowledge ,or “gnosis.” They also assert that there was no Resurrection and that no Redeemer is even needed. This truly is- “another gospel.”

Basically, the Da Vinci Code puts forth the conceited idea that we save ourselves through the New Age dogma of progressive enlightenment where everyone has their own “truth” and their own pathway to God. This ultra-tolerant, free-form, no con- demnation religion fits right in with the Secularist agenda of modern liberalism with their Left-wing, Politically-Correct, One-World view. If all truth is subjective and relative, as the theory goes, then there really are no moral absolutes to get in the way for creating a One-World, Socialist Paradise. Apparently, all that’s restraining us from achieving this idealistic goal is the traditional beliefs of a few “backward-thinking” Christians and Jews.

Brown would lead us to believe that for the past 2,000 years the Catholic Church has hidden all of this information from us in a monumental effort to solely perpetuate their power. I guess he’s never heard of the Protestant Reformation!

Ironically, it has been just the opposite. It was the imposed rule of the Divine Right of Kings, which over the succeeding centuries has served to inflict the most egregious tyranny upon the world- not the Church. Our own American Revolution was fought to displace this type of autocratic government. In other words, if Brown is right, then whoever is the legitimate offspring of Jesus and Mary Magdalene would necessarily be someone in a different “class” of eugenics who would likely garner a unique position as absolute ruler of us all. Isn’t this exactly what the former Kings and Queens of Europe claimed to be?

The Da Vinci Code doesn’t pass the scholarly test, offers no authenticity in regard to orthodox Christianity, and, in the final analysis, doesn’t even make good sense!

Still, for a fanciful tale in the Imaginary World of Hollywood, it does make for an interesting movie. Just don’t get suckered in by all the snap, crackle and popcorn.

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Monday, April 24, 2006

Tired of High Gas Prices?

Declare Independence! Don’t drive as much. But, you say you have-to for work and for other necessities. Let me guess. Most of you drive to Knoxville or Oak Ridge for work, or know someone in your family who does. Ever wonder why that is? It’s because we here in Campbell County have 40% fewer job opportunites than the average county in TN. On average, we have a 25% longer commute time too! The two go hand in hand. If we had just an average level of industry here we wouldn’t have to spend so much time congesting the roads, and so much money- filling our tanks!

Recently there was a Tourism Summit for Campbell County held at Cove Lake. The State Commissioner for Tourism, Susan Whitaker, was there to deliver the keynote address. She announced that TN, with $11.4 billion in 2005, is now 11th in the country in tourism business, moving up from 12th in 2004! Contrary to common notions, this business is most definitely as much a bonafide industry as coal, manufacturing or agriculture, etc. It has created over 170,000 real jobs for Tenneseans statewide. If we here in Campbell County just had our fair share of those tourism-jobs our employment statistics would miraculously climb from their current doldrums to about the state’s average.

Whitaker applauded the efforts of our new Tourism Council, which sponsored the ground-breaking Event, and offered a few suggestions. A “Brand,” or Trademark Name needs to be given to our area for quick and easy identification regarding our tourist-related amenities “Leisure Travelers,” East TN’s biggest tourist segment, need a consistent and frequent reminder of what we have to offer. A message that includes our Brand needs to be posted on highway signs and used in all of our tourist advertising.

The new Tourism Council has the will but needs money to formulate and put into practice these suggestions. Just like Anderson County, we need to dedicate a substantial budget amount for our Tourism Council. In Anderson, 80% of the proceeds from their Hotel/Motel tax goes back to the Council for further investment. According to Commissioner Whitaker- for every dollar invested in tourism there’s a return in tax revenue of at least $14. Out of that revenue- which increases with each new investment in Tourism- 50% forms the basis for funding our Educational system! So, more tourism equals more jobs, shorter commutes, less rush-hour traffic, an emerging Industry to supplant our growing, (generational), Welfare-dependency, and, finally, more money to help rescue our failing schools!

This Industry has the bonus of being a clean industry too. What would you prefer- more
tourists, or a renewed coal mining operation in the county to further level our mountains and pollute our streams? Beggars can’t be choosers, and right now there aren’t a whole lot of economic opportunities lining-up and knocking at our door!

The income for our area is 35% lower than the state average. The value of our homes is 30% less than the state average. In Campbell County we have 70% more people living below the poverty line, and 40% more people who work in government, (Welfare bureaucracies, etc.), as opposed to private industry. Retail sales, part of the Tourism business, are 37% less here than the average. High School graduation rates and literacy rates stand around the 50% level. The average TN county has 1/3 more High School graduates and well over twice as many citizens who can read! That’s appalling!

The other bonus to a Tourism Industry for Campbell County is the emphasis on shorter vacation destinations now that gas prices are so high. If we work now on increasing our
efforts for building a tourism industry, we can expect more opportunites in the future from prospective vacationers living within a short-drive from our area. Why not? According to Commissioner Whitaker we have so much more to offer here than most TN counties. The beautiful, true-natural landscapes of the Cumberland Mountains and Norris Lake are like a godsend, and so, we should take advantage of these resources while simultaneously taking a blow against the big oil companies. The prospects of $3 per gallon gas should finally wake us all up to the ugly truth we’ve been hiding from for far too long- our Welfare-addiction, the hatred of “Yankee-tourists,” and the lack ofindustrial growth is just too costly for us to ignore any longer. (send comments to

Monday, April 17, 2006

Keep Church and State Separate

Every time governments get too involved in promoting one religion over another- tyranny always seems to result. If history teaches us anything it’s this one irrefutable fact. From the Roman Inquisition, to the Recusant Laws of the Anglican Church, to today’s Islamic Fascists in the War on Terror and the Secular Humanists of America, they all operate under the same totalitarian theory. They wrap themselves in the authority of the State so they can then use that power to bully and subjugate all dissenters. Anyone who disagrees becomes subject to ridicule, harsh punishment or even death. But, for the sincere motives of a fundamentalist tyrant such penalties are simply par for the course.

All of the aforementioned groups are entities that depend upon an exclusive government franchise in order to exist within the monopolistic capacity they wish to pursue. And, they all have certain fundamental beliefs which define their true, authoritarian nature. It may surprise many to learn that Secular Humanism is very much a religion. The Supreme Court ruled that it was in the1961 case Torcaso v. Watkins. So, since it is a religion, I thought I would take a few minutes to research the nature of its core beliefs.

The Secular Humanist Fundamentalist believes:
(1) Evolutionary Theory
(2) There’s No Supernatural or Revealed Truth
(3) Human Fulfillment is Perfectible
(4) Traditional Religion is an Obstacle & Must Be Changed
(5) Communism is Good
(6) Man Creates his own Reality, and his own Destiny
(7) Man is the Ultimate Power in the Universe.
(8) No God Will Save Us, We Must Save Ourselves
(9) There’s No Heaven or Hell
(10)All Morality is Subjective & Situational
(11)There’s No Such Thing as Sexual Deviancy
(12)Suicide & Euthanasia are Protected Rights
(13)There’s No Room for Competing Religions
(14)Global Socialism Will Work
(15)Nation States Should Be Abolished
(16)National Defense Should Be Eliminated
(17)Science & Technology Need No Rules
(18)Human Beings Can Put an End to All Terror & Hatred
(19)A Revolution is Needed
(from the Humanist Manifestos of 1933 and 1973)

This vile, Man-centered religion that allows no room for the God of the Bible is striving to take over all aspects of our Federal Government and our lives. These Secularists use clever language and sly tactics to try to convince average Americans that they are the protectors of their liberties. They are not. It is their Religion that is totalitarian and intolerant, not the traditional Judeo-Christian teachings. But the high priests of Secular Humanism, which consist of most national journalists & ultra-liberal politicians, keep pressuring those of traditional faith to surrender their freedoms.

Simple displays of nativity scenes, Christmas signs in windows, and the posting of The Ten Commandments are among the religious “exercises” constantly challenged by the legal arm of Secular Humanism- the ACLU. This is ridiculous since an image of Moses and the Tablets are even carved into the marbled walls of the Supreme Court building itself! Nowhere in the Constitution can one find the phrase “separation of church and state.” Thomas Jefferson used this phrase in an 1802 private letter responding to the concerns over the perceived establishment of a new National Church which would punish all other denominations. Jefferson wrote that “the natural rights of conscience” are protected in the first amendment by the prohibition against any Federal Government interference with one’s free exercise of religion. The “Wall,” as he described it, is a one way barrier. It is religious practice, not government, that is to be protected. Government is what all of the Founders feared, not Christianity or Judaism.

So next time you hear the phrase: “separation of Church and State”….tell ‘em you’re all for it, but also tell ‘em, let it begin with the Fundamentalists of the Church of SecularHumanism! (send comments to

Sunday, April 2, 2006

The Truth Behind Faith-based Initiatives

A few weeks ago Lincoln Davis, Dem. rep. of TN’s 4th Congressional district, gave a speech in which he said, “having faith in one particular religion doesn’t necessarily matter.” This ACLU/Secularist sentiment was declared, in a speech where he was advocating that Democrats
need to “reframe the debate” along the lines of Faith-based Initiatives.

His claim was that certain, federally-sponsored, bureaucratic programs somehow qualify as “faith-based initiatives” in so much as they involve good intentions and were Democrat proposals. How convenient! Programs such as: labor laws, Social Security, the GI bill, the Dept. of Education, Road Projects & Environmental Regulations were cited. No doubt these items had their place and were well-intentioned for their time, but to contend that they were faith-based is just flat-out wrong, unless Davis is inferring that it is a Faith in Government he’s professing!

The truth of what constitutes “faith-based initiatives” is President Bush’s campaign from 2001, which was an effort to encourage the help of churches and other private organizations in the delivery of charitable services to the poor and needy. His efforts are based on the sound realization that government bureaucracies don’t always work best in identifying and correcting social problems. Many churches and voluntary groups have demonstrated over the years a far greater capacity for actually helping people improve their lives, than government. The result of a truly compassionate program should be measured by results- ie. how well it helps individuals to become independent, not de- pendent, as is so often the case with government-based welfare.

There have been trillions of dollars spent by the federal government since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. What have we gotten for all of these transfer payments that have redistributed wealth from the workers of our society to the non-workers? The rate of poverty has stayed relatively constant through the decades, but the National Debt has grown by nearly ten-fold. In
addition, we have established a new class of people who work harder to qualify for new government handouts than they ever do for getting off the dole!

Yes, Mr. Davis, Religion does matter! Our current War with the Religiously- inspired Islamic-terrorists should tell you that. And, the Religious teaching that is particular to our Judeo-Christian, conservative heritage: “to do unto others as we’d have others do unto us,” serves as the Faith that has defined our national character since it’s foundation, and one in which we must turn to again, if we are to long survive as a free and God-fearing nation.

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*** Congressman Lincoln Davis is No Conservative ***

A few weeks ago Lincoln Davis, Dem. Rep. of TN’s 4th Congressional District, gave a speech in which he said, “having faith in one particular religion doesn’t necessarily matter.” This ACLU/Secularist statement was declared, in a speech where he was advocating that the Democrats needed to “reframe the debate” along the lines of Faith-based Initiatives.

His claim was that certain Federally-sponsored, bureaucratic programs somehow qualify as “faith-based initiatives” in so much as they involve good intentions and were sponsored by Democrats. How convenient! Programs such as: labor laws, Social Security, GI bill, Dept. of Education, Road Projects & Environmental Regulations were cited. No doubt these items had their place and were well-intentioned but to contend that they were faith-based is just flat-out wrong, unless Davis is inferring that it is a Faith in Government he’s professing!

The reality is President Bush’s initiative fro 2001, which was to encourage the help of churches and other private organizations in the delivery of charitable services to the poor and needy. His efforts are based on the sound realization that government bureaucracies don’t always work best in identifying and cor- recting social problems. Many churches and voluntary groups have demon- strated over the years a greater capacity to actually help people improve their lives, than government. The result of a truly compassionate program should be measured by results- ie. how will it helps individuals to become independent, not dependent, as is so often the case with government-based welfare.

Yes, Mr. Davis, Religion does matter. Our current War with the Religiously- inspired Islamic-terrorists should tell you that. And, the Religious teaching that is particular to our Judeo Christian, conservative heritage: “to do unto others as we’d have others do unto us,” serves as the Faith that has defined our National character since it’s foundation, and one in which we must turn to again, if we are to long endure our present difficulties.

There have been trillions of dollars spent by the Federal Government since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. What have we gotten for all of these transfer payments that have redistributed wealth from the workers of our society to the non-workers? The rate of poverty has stayed relatively constant through the decades, but the National Debt has grown by nearly ten-fold. In
addition, we have established a new class of people who work harder to qualify for new government handouts than they do for ever getting off the dole!

Come next November, the conservative, faith-based people of the 4th TN Congressional District need to send a clear message to Mr. Davis- your time on the public dole is just about up!(send your comments to: