Monday, October 2, 2006

Finding some Political Morals

Politics is the struggle for power to effect change in government policy for the purpose of two principle motivations: (1) The Factional, subjective benefits of the Spoils System, (party patronage), and (2) general, public morality, (party ideology).

Many view politics today as solely benefiting the cause of the first consideration- the rewards of “patronage.” They have become terminally cynical towards the idea that either party, or candidate, has anything whatsoever to do with the general welfare of all! Truth is: both major parties in the US are equally guilty of this corrupting influence of patronage. The only way it could ever be reduced is if the size and scope of government itself was reduced. In other words, a smaller government would offer fewer opportunities to exercise influence. Thus, those who favor bigger government should necessarily be viewed as concomitantly favoring the prospects for increasing political patronage!

But, as Ronald Reagan once said, “America is about more than Who gets What!” –

The second motivation that drives politics, and its struggle, is the idea of public morality. Morality is not something we should avoid in our political discussion. It is the very thing that makes our politics distinguishable as a true opportunity for pursuing an altruistic endeavor, apart from patronage, that equally benefits us all. Conversely, that government which operates without morality, is nothing more than a syndicate organized to legally plunder one faction from another. At the heart of this moral concern is the idea of competing values.

George Soros, the founder of and the financier of several other political entities now vying for control of the Democrat party, has had this to say about Christian-values in politics, “the separation of church and state, the bedrock of our democracy, is clearly undermined by having a born-again President.” He also proclaimed, “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”

Hillary Clinton, a fan of Soros and his war against capitalism, Christianity & a strong, independent America, proudly remarked, “I have known George Soros for a long time, we need people like [him], who [are] fearless, and willing to step up when it counts.”

Howard Dean, chairman of the Democrat National Committee, revealed his religious bigotry at a Florida primary meeting in 2004: “we’re going to take back this country from the Christian Fundamentalists.” Christian Fundamentalism, by the way, is simply a belief in: the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the atonement, the inerrancy of Scripture and the Second Coming of Christ. Apparently, he believes such individuals should be relegated to the back of the bus! But, if morality and social values don’t come from our Judeo-Christian, Western-Civilization heritage, then where do they come from?

The main opposing value system to our Western Tradition over the decades has been Secular Humanism and Socialism. Hugo Chavez, the Leftist-dictator of Venezuela, has recently revealed just how radical this belief system can be! He is considered a hero to the likes of Cindy Sheehan and Danny Glover. But, what should be more alarming, however, is how moderate-to conservative, ‘rank and file’ Democrats have had their party high-jacked into supporting this type of Marxist-thought by the power-brokers of their own party, who, incredibly, find sympathy with these radical ideologies.

The result of this Leftist takeover has been the realignment of southern politics. 70% of Southern Senators in 1990 were Democrats, today, 70% are Republicans. Emory University Political Scientist Merle Black observes: “More than 80% of white conservatives in the South now belong to the Republican party, and only 10% are Democrats.” According to Black, the rationale seems to involve the machinations of the Democrat hierarchy: “For Democrat committee leadership, the rewards tend to go more often to liberals. It’s about impossible to have a leadership position in the House Democrat party if one behaves as a conservative.”

As a further demonstration of this trend, consider who the likely Committee Leaders will be if the Democrats win control this November: Robert Byrd, Joe Biden, Teddy Kennedy, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, John Dingell, Henry Waxman, Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, John Conyers and avowed Socialist, Bernie Sanders. Many of these individuals are, in fact, members of the Socialist-leaning, Progessive Caucus!

Putting all patronage aside, one should consider the roots of the competing ideologies vying for control of our nation before casting a vote this November. Remember what John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a MORAL and RELIGIOUS people, it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” I’m just glad Howard Dean, George Soros and Hillary Clinton weren’t around back in 1776 to file a class-action, ACLU, restraining order against our Founding Fathers! (send comments to:

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