Tuesday, November 14, 2006

America : Open Your Golden Gate

“San Francisco Values” has just taken over in Washington D. C. Voters rejected Republican leadership a week ago and now they have unwittingly turned the country over to radical leftists like Nancy Pelosi-the presumptive, new Speaker of the House. Pelosi would be third in line for the presidency in the unlikely event of something happening to Bush and Cheney. Given her views on the War on Terror, and her anticipated elimination of certain important safeguards like the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, NSA wire-taps, etc., such a scenario, engineered by an emboldened enemy, may not be so far-fetched. Whatever it was that prompted voters to toss out the GOP, somehow, I don’t think they imagined they would be endorsing this type of militant socialism taking control of the U.S. Congress. The proverbial barking dogs of the Left have now “caught the car,” and so, we all await the strange and bizarre consequences emerging from this paradoxical success.

Nancy Pelosi has represented California’s 8th district, including San Francisco, for nearly 20 years. She has served in a leadership role with the House Democrats since 2002. In the last Congress, Pelosi received the highest liberal rating given , (95% approval), from the ADA, the Americans for Democratic Action group. She also serves as an Executive Committee member for the Progressive Caucus which is connected to the Democratic Socialists of America- a group purported to be “the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International.”

The Progressive Caucus was begun in 1991 by avowed-Socialist Bernie Sanders, congressman from Vermont and former Socialist mayor of Burlington. Their main goal is the promotion of government-directed wealth redistribution via a multitude of collectivist-engineered social policies. In short, Class Warfare. Their agenda, which is now America’s agenda by default, is: socialized medicine, radical environmentalism, subordination of American foreign policy to the UN and Internationalists, pulling out of Iraq, and eliminating the “War on Terror tools” such as the Patriot Act and NSA wire-tapping as well as other Intelligence gathering procedures currently being employed by the Bush Administration.

There are several prominent democrats who are members of this Caucus who will likely chair many of the House Committees during the next session. Radicals like John Conyers, Barney Frank and Henry Waxman will wield tremendous power and influence over the next two years. Even if they were to personally wish to mute some of these extreme positions, their unhinged, core constituencies won’t be so easily placated. The pressure to launch endless investigations into the Bush Administration, including impeachment proceedings, will no doubt be raging in full force during the tumultuous months to come. At a time of war- was this the type of government that Americans really wanted? Was this the type ofgovernment that Americans truly voted FOR?

One thing’s for sure, it seems to be the type of government that our enemies wanted! From the Terrorists in Tehran to the Communists in Caracas, the joyful jubilation of our foes was hard to miss. Israel outwardly mourned the results of the election as they saw it as a serious blow to their ongoing and all-important American support. Ahmadinajad, the leader of Iran, proudly proclaimed that “Israel’s destruction is near!” One simply cannot deny that our enemies are vigorously encouraged by this abrupt power change in Washington.

What other surprises will there be from Pelosi’s new reign? Even though one can rightly gauge a considerable victory for certain, ideologically “conservative” initiatives from the ’08 election, (seven states overwhelmingly rejected homosexual marriage), Pelosi, on the other hand, represents quite a contrast. She has voted for: homosexual marriage, federal funding of abortion, gun control, amnesty for illegals and a time-table for withdrawal from Iraq. She’s voted against: cutting taxes, the death penalty, drilling for oil in ANWR, school choice, reducing the death tax, renewing the Patriot Act, and criminalizing flag desecration. “Speaker Pelosi” has also endorsed Jack Murtha for Majority Leader. Murtha is notorious for having condemned American soldiers in Iraq of “killing innocent civilians in cold blood!” This helps explain the numerous reports of troop dismay and discouragement coming out of Iraq since the election.
They’ve known all along that the only way they could possibly lose this war is through a lack of support from domestic, “cut and run” policies on the home front.

The electoral results of 2008 amount to a gigantic fraud being perpetrated upon the American people. We have been hoodwinked into embracing a new, transgendered, “Government in Drag.” It can’t be denied that the American People had some valid concerns regarding the direction of their government: the War in Iraq, the disaster of illegal immigration, out of control federal spending and various issues of Congressional corruption, but did this mean that Americans were equally willing to go marching off with Pelosi & Co. down some forlorn, left-wing alley- “arm in arm” with a cadre of Socialists, Abortionists, Peaceniks and Gun-grabbers in one big, tax-raising Gay Pride Parade? I don’t think so! San Francisco Values are not America’s Values yet! Thank God!
(send comments to WFC83197@aol.com)

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