Friday, June 4, 2010

Acorn of Appalachia

There are two rules regarding political truth: (1) Follow the money; and (2) See who benefits. Such an examination of Save Our Cumberland Mountains, SOCM, proves conclusively that it is a Leftist organization unfriendly to America’s core values and institutions. It is, in effect, the ACORN of Appalachia.

ACORN has been thoroughly exposed and discredited as a corrupt organization that has used taxpayer dollars to perpetrate frauds involving mortgages, voter registration and embezzlement. ACORN was co-founded by Wade Rathke, an influential force with other Leftist groups such as the Service Employees International Union, SEIU, and the Tides Foundation.

SOCM also receives a considerable amount of funding from the Tides Foundation through the Appalachian Community Fund. Is this a coincidence, or are there specific reasons why SOCM is favored by the Sugardaddy of Left-wing politics?

The Tides Foundation began in 1976 as an anti-war group. They have since become involved in a whole host of Left-wing activities including: domestic Islamic groups; pro-terrorist groups; abortion; open borders; homosexual advocacy; anti-trade; and, environmentalism. The Global financier George Soros has given millions to Tides to promote his One World vision. The Soros-created “Democratic Justice Fund” advocates easing restrictions on Muslim immigration, particularly from countries that have been designated as terrorist nations by the State Dept.

Most of the Tides Foundation contributors prefer to remain anonymous. It’s easy to see why once you discover their vast network of anti-American affiliations.

Tides has donated money to the Ruckus Society, an anarchist group responsible for the 1999 WTO riots in Seattle. They have contributed to the Earth Island Institute which called the U.S. response to the 9/11 attack, “self-righteous arrogance.” Tides has given money to the pro-Hamas Council for American Islamic Relations, CAIR.

Tides is involved in funding the National Lawyers Guild which has a long tradition of defending America’s enemies. They also help fund the Center for Constitutional Rights, CCR, which defended attorney Lynn Stewart who was found guilty of “providing material support” to 1993’s World Trade Center bomber, the blind Sheikh.

Tides was able to influence ABC into censoring a John Stossel report about radical environmentalism. Tides has given money to— the Soros-directed 527 that produced the Gen. Petraeus, “Gen.Betray Us” ad. They’ve also been involved in an array of anti-war groups such as ANSWER and the International Action Center which has defended Serbian Communist Slobodan Milosevic and North Korea’s Kim Jong Il.

The Tides-sponsored Appalachian Community Fund, passes out grants to groups like SOCM in order to finance their anti-coal campaigns.

Why anti-coal?

Remember, the Left has long desired a policy to destroy America’s industrial might by attacking our carbon-based energy supplies. The scheme, called “Cap and Trade,” is nothing more than a method of wealth redistribution where certain, privileged insiders make a fortune at the expense of heavy taxation and regulation. Poor, undeveloped countries will have a surplus of carbon credits because they use so little carbon-based energy. The industrialized countries, however, like the U.S., will shoulder the largest carbon liability, or tax. As President Obama himself declared, energy prices will necessarily “skyrocket.” Obama, it’s interesting to note, held the position of Director for the Joyce Foundation for 8 years. The Jocye Foundation, which also part of the Tides funding aparatus, helped create the Chicago Climate Exchange, CCX.

The CCX is designed to operate a redistribution brokerage house for the U.S. “Cap and Trade” system. The scam involves such crony capitalists as: Goldman Sachs (Peter Harris), Al Gore (Generation Investment Management), General Electric, BP, and Franklin Raines (former Fannie Mae CEO). Richard Sandor, CCX-founder, has estimated that the “Cap and Trade” legislation will generate $10 trillion per year for his company!

To further connect the dots, take a look at the Appalachian Community Fund web site. It says they are dedicated to “the movement of people toward the establishment of environmental, economic and social justice, and the redistribution of wealth, power and resources.” For comparsion’s sake, I was going to quote the mission statement from the Communist Party USA, but that would be redundant.

Don’t be fooled by the superficial claims of a political movement: follow the money and see who benefits. As Winston Churchill observed, “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” (send comments to: