Friday, January 23, 2009

Roll Over Abe Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln must be rolling over in his grave. A government of the people, by the people and for the people with an emphasis on freedom is not what President Obama represents. To say the inauguration was ‘over the top’ in all of its hype, symbolism and Lincoln references is as understated as saying Garth Brooks loves the spotlight. This was nauseating!

Lincoln said, “you can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” This is why Obama will fail.

A majority of Americans are Conservative. It just so happens a good portion of them got bamboozled into voting for Obama while another sizable group stayed home out of disgust for moderate McCain. That’s how Obama won.

Lincoln understood the Constitution as an expression of the sovereignty of the people, not a suicide pact for exploitation. When the South seceded, Lincoln saw it as an unconstitutional infringement upon the people. The people had formed the Union, not the states, so they were being oppressed by the Confederate rebellion. Lincoln sought to save the Union, under the Constitution, thereby preserving the rights of the people. His Gettysburg Address defends this great theme. Europeans, and others, were still very distrustful of representative democracies where authority was vested in the people. They believed authority must come from some central figure like a King, Pope or Master in order to be legitimate.

Like the Europeans, President Obama is compelled, by his Liberal ideology, to distrust the people and to doubt the benevolence of freedom. His governing philosophy is no secret. He compiled the number one most Liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate. What does this mean?

Obama distrusts people and freedom. To do as you please with your own private property in the marketplace is a threat to elitists like Obama. As a Liberal, Obama is blind to freedom because his philosophy respects groups not individuals. Furthermore, he sees America as the enemy causing all of the world’s problems. He recognizes Christians and orthodox Jews as impediments to global peace. He vows to “share the wealth” through global schemes of wealth redistribution that undermine our Constitutional sovereignty. And, he sees America’s use of energy as an offense to the world that must be stopped no matter the cost.

Lincoln was for the common man. He said the Lord must love common folk because he made so many of them! Unlike Obama, Lincoln wasn’t praised by the media of his day. They called him the Original Gorilla, a Monster, and a Tyrant unfit for office. Obama, on the other hand, is treated like an American Idol capable of producing thrills up the legs of news anchors. Symbolism is all that matters, there’s nothing of substance. Well, nothing he can be honest about! Obama’s task is impossible. He must somehow maintain his superficial popularity while pursuing unpopular goals. A majority of Americans disagree profoundly with Obama on a whole range of substantive issues, so this great divide is sure to be exposed.

Americans don’t want defeatism, appeasement and multilateralism in foreign policy. They don’t want higher taxes and the chains of socialized medicine. Americans won’t go along with Global Warming dictates that demand a decrease in their standard of living. They don’t want homosexual marriage, unrestricted abortions, gun control, the Fairness Doctrine, ACLU ascendancy and liberal judges. Americans want “Right to Work” states not a return to union superiority via “Card Check.” They want better schools not higher taxes to fund failing ones. Americans oppose open borders and will not put up with more benefits going to increasing numbers of illegal aliens. They want to get the bad guys in the War on Terror, ala Jack Bauer, and not be put at a disadvantage by the constraints of domestic law enforcement.

Obama is facing a Lincoln-size complexity of issues, but his heart is not Lincoln’s heart. Lincoln fought tenaciously for an independent America, free from the old colonial ties exploited by the British in the South. Conversely, Obama wants to put America onto a global plantation where we get a small cabin at the UN in the slave quarters next to Zimbabwe. Socialism, after all, is very similar to plantation slavery: free healthcare, food, clothing, housing in exchange for your labor and total subservience. You have cradle to grave benefits, but you can never be free to do what you want as God intended. Your soul is captured and caged all in the “sacred” name of the collective good. That ain’t America and that ain’t Lincoln. Excuse me while I barf. (send comments to, or mail to POB 114, Jacksboro, TN 37757).

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