Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Israel Celebrates 60 Years of Existence

As the last days of summer wind down, let’s pause for a moment to take a look back at a noteworthy anniversary- Israel’s sixtieth birthday.

On May 14, 1948, the modern State of Israel was born. The mandate making the goal of a Jewish state possible came via British sponsorship following WWII, but grew out of earlier efforts.

Culminating in 1948 was a two thousand year old dream for those of the Jewish Diaspora longing to return to their traditional homeland. The idea was first proclaimed officially at the Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland on August 31, 1897- a date that is coincidently shared with the birth of La Follette. Led by Theodor Herzl, the Congress hosted over two hundred participants from 17 countries.

The new nation of Israel, approximately the size of New Jersey, was viciously attacked shortly after becoming a state. It met this challenge, as it has all others, with a miraculous ability to survive and defeat its enemies. Israel truly has a unique history of attracting hatred. From the very beginning, going back to Abraham, there’s been enmity between Israel and Ishmael. The surrounding Arab nations have consistently launched attacks against Israel denying their right to exist! No matter what you think about Israel, honoring that requirement is rather difficult.

Friendship with Israel does not come cheaply. It has brought regular retaliations against America. Recent fliers found around Detroit proclaim threats to “"Kill Jews and Christians if they don't believe in Allah and Mohammad." This simple declaration from the Koran reveals all you need to know about the challenges we face.

I believe there’s an underlying spiritual animus that explains this visceral opposition. Israel and America represent the Old and New Testaments of God. Enemies of God have always existed and will always be infuriated by those who represent the authentic, unchanging truths of a Creator God who judges the world.

The Bible contains God’s promise that He will “bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel,” Gen. 12:3. Implicit in that covenant is a fair warning to those who would take unyielding positions against Israel.

Can the Democrats be trusted on this issue?

Jimmy Carter proved his anti-Israel views recently in his book “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid.” Fourteen Carter Center advisors resigned in protest.

Unbelievably, former PLO-leader Yasser Arafat was invited to the Clinton Whitehouse more than any other foreign figure! On one occasion Hillary even kissed Yasser’s wife after she made a speech denouncing Israel. Hillary has collected $50,000 from the American Muslim Alliance, a group that promotes terrorism against Israel. Bill has said, “Hillary’s really tight with the people in the PLO in New York [and] doesn’t like what Israel is up to.”

Former Democrat-candidate Wesley Clark has characterized support for Israel against Hezbollah as “a mistake.” Jesse Jackson, of course, has his “Hymietown” remark and Sen. Joe Biden has told Israeli officials that they would have to accept the idea of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons! That’s the country, by the way, vowing to wipe Israel off the map. Barack Obama calls Iran a “tiny threat.” Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who could be elected again next year, has a different view. He calls Iran the equivalent of Germany circa 1938.

Also, we must not forget Obama’s church of twenty years that is on friendly terms with the anti-Semitic, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan who calls Judaism a “gutter religion!” Obama’s church even printed a Hamas terror manifesto in one of their bulletins.

Conservatives have long kept faith with Israel over the years appreciating their common spiritual heritage. This Judeo-Christian foundation has sustained Western Civilization from the beginning.

At the time of this writing, Russia is sending ships and planes to Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela for military maneuvers. Russia is also assisting Iran in the construction of their nuclear facility. North Korea is unified with these nations suggesting an alliance that would be incomprehensible if not for the spiritual antipathy they share. Dictators, whether from Communist, Islamic or Liberal-Socialist governments, all find agreement in their common hatred of conservatives who seek to maintain a traditional view of God.

Recent polls in Israel are showing a preference for McCain over Obama by twenty points. McCain has a long history of support for Israel’s security. McCain’s running mate Gov. Palin reinforces this loyalty. She proudly proclaims her support by displaying an Israeli flag in her office! It’s comforting to know that in this landmark year for Israel there are at least some American politicians who are striving to maintain a healthy respect for Israel. (send comments to WFC83197@aol.com, or mail to POB 114, Jacksboro, TN 37757)

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