Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Holiday Drill

Congress is getting ready to go on vacation. I hope they’re not planning on going very far. Whether it’s filling their tank or getting a flight, either way traveling is a real problem nowadays with the rising cost of fuel. In their desperation, some airlines have petitioned congress recently to do something or watch them go out of business.

Since taking over after the ’06 election this Democrat congress has done nothing. It’s enough to make Harry Truman roll over in his grave. Oh, they have named a whole bunch of post offices and given tributes to ball teams for successful seasons, but that’s about it. Now, with this oil crisis wreaking havoc the best they can offer is an arrogant and misleading critique of the oil companies.

Democrat representative Heath Schuler gave an impassioned speech the other day complaining that it’s the oil companies fault for not supplying enough oil. The nerve of the guy! Why is it that these politicians think they know so much about everything! Well, at least their admitting there’s a “supply” issue involved.

Schuler was towing the party line that oil companies don’t need relief in seeking new drilling opportunities off the gulf coast or in Alaska because they have all these leases, you see, on land they’re not developing. Liberals want oil companies to drill where there’s no oil. That sounds like a plan. Are we suppose to be impressed?

These leases are on lands that have a number of issues for why they are not being drilled. Some are strategic, some have already been drilled, some are being further explored, etc. The geologists who know more than the likes of Schuler have determined that there are more dependable and accessible oil reserves in places like the outer continental shelf. That’s why, last week President Bush authorized the lifting of the executive ban on offshore drilling. The unfortunate reality is that congress has a ban too, and Pelosi and company aren’t budging one bit. They’re too busy making vacation plans!

Many folks have complained about the speculators driving up the price of oil. What they have missed is how speculators can also drive down the price of oil. Democrats, besides impersonating geologists and presuming to instruct oil companies on where they should drill, have been saying in unison how it will take twenty years before we see one drop of that oil, and consequently, a drop in price. That is another extraordinary fabrication created for no other reason than political expediency to aid and abet Democrat election strategies.

Most estimates concur that it would be more like 3 years before new drilling operations yield production. However, we saw just this last week how fast the price of oil can be affected. After President Bush’s call to lift the ban on offshore drilling, the speculation started moving in the opposite direction without one drop of oil actually existing. You see, markets respond based on predictions for future supply and demand, not just on what’s currently available. As a result of oil prices moving back a little, the stock market enjoyed a nice rally. All of this on a modest executive proposal that shows a little leadership. You would think Pelosi, Schuler and other Democrats would get the message.

Politics is about accessing and holding on to power. The Democrats know that the voters blame the White House (Bush and the Republicans) for the current high gas prices. If they were to take responsible action now to lead our country to a better economic position regarding oil, they would be undermining their own chances at achieving better electoral results this November. Pelosi and company are counting on the American people being too stupid to figure this out. So, when you think of drilling- you should think of how this Democrat congress is drilling you! (send comments to WFC83197@aol.com, or mail to POB 114, Jacksboro, TN 37757)

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