Thursday, June 19, 2008

To Tax or Not To Tax

This is the question: Can the answers to all of the world’s problems be solved with a wealth-destroying tax? Liberals seem to think so.

Back in 1993, Bill Clinton proposed a multi-billion dollar value-added tax, (VAT), but we thankfully dodged that bullet when it died a merciful death in Congress. It was designed to help pay for Hillary-Care and the anticipated high cost of Free, Universal Healthcare, or Socialized Medicine. The VAT is a broad-based consumption tax which has been used for decades by the Socialists in Europe. It’s something that Liberals in this country have always admired despite evidence which shows its devastation upon entrepreneurial activity and economic growth. Well, don’t look now, but here it comes again.

The UN has lobbied for a Global Tax for years out of interest in paying for all of their Global Utopian schemes. Never mind the fact that these programs don’t work and that the UN is a corrupt organization which routinely votes against America’s interests. That’s beside the point. The Liberals are quick to protest that such “nuances” are nothing compared to the do-gooder “warm and fuzzies” we’re all sure to feel by disengaging our minds and disemboweling our wallets!

UN representative Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute, is part of this New Age, “enlightened” crowd that is working to alleviate global poverty through another round of government-controlled wealth redistribution. Sound familiar? It should, it’s a rehash of LBJ’s “Great Society” programs, and we all know how well that turned out! Well, this time, the scam is much larger, much more Marxist, and fully supported by a much more popular politician- Barack Obama, the presumptive Democrat-nominee for president.

Sachs has said, “the only way to raise the kind of money needed, [$845 Billion], to fight Global Poverty is through a Global Tax, preferably one aimed at carbon-emitting fossil fuels.”

Obama recently sponsored a bill, “the Global Poverty Act,” (S. 2433) which serves as the perfect blueprint for this colossal, new government activism. His bill, to “fight world poverty,” commits .7 % of our nation’s GDP every year to the whims of UN managers. But, it doesn’t stop there with the imposition of another failed wealth redistribution scheme, it also includes a wiz bang provision to ban all small arms and light weapons! Presumably, these would be exactly the type of weapons individuals might choose for their own God-given Right to self-protection. For UN promoters, a policy of gun confiscation is almost as cherished as more taxes. These are the type of weapons, ironically enough, that Congolese women could be using right now to defend themselves from those pesky, unwanted advances made by UN soldiers. Mustn’t worry about that though, we have a Global Mercy Mission to launch! Pass the blindfold and “soak the rich.” Liberalism’s chief benefit remains- No Time To Think.

The U.S. Senate, sensing the apparent rise of this new wave of pro-Government enthusiasm, just voted for cloture on the Lieberman-Warren Climate Security Act, aka “Cap and Trade.” I guess, it’s open season now on the American Taxpayer. Who knew? Politics is the only endeavor I know of in nature where “the hunted” give routine aid and comfort to “the hunters!” This proposed annual cap on greenhouse gases- with the added feature of transferable restrictions- amounts to the “mother of all carbon taxes,” ala Jeffrey Sachs. Fortunately, it has stalled for the time being, but the danger is far from over.

The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that the cost of compliance for this tax would be $90 Billion per year by 2012. Our losses in GDP for years 2010 through 2030 would range from $1.7 to $4.8 Trillion! It would also cost one million jobs by 2022, and would create a spike in energy costs adding another $1.10 to gas prices. As a bonus for all the do-gooders out there, it would create five, brand new, government bureaucracies to cheer for as they manage all of this capital destruction. Yea!

None of this makes sense. Europe has already tried these initiatives and they have proven disastrous for their economies. The insanity of it all is that it won’t make any difference. We’re looking at trillions of dollars wasted for nothing. Countries like China and India are developing quickly, using more and more fossil fuels and they would not be subject to any of these carbon restrictions- that is, assuming there’s any real benefit from curtailing these emissions in the first place, per the Global Warming hysteria.

The baby-blue helmeted UN Zoo-Keepers are also looking to tax our emails, our currency exchanges, our air travel, among many, many other things just as soon as they can think of them. They are basically, power-hungry Peaceniks desperate to find all the money they can to finance their Liberal fantasies for a Global Commune. They want an International Criminal Court and various Conventions which would rule over us in the name of: “the Rights of the Child,” “the Law of the Sea,” “the Rights of Women,” and “the Protection of Biological Diversity,” etc. Basically, they are taxes to you and me which would go toward financing the end of American Sovereignty. The perplexity of it all is seeing Americans welcome the subservience. Barack Obama is clearly an advocate for this type of “change,” and he’s currently leading in the polls.

“To Tax, or Not To Tax” may simply come down to-- “To Elect Obama, or Not Elect Obama.” (send comments to, or mail to POB 114, Jacksboro, TN 37757)

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