Modern Liberalism is nothing more than Totalitarianism by another name.
Totalitarianism comes from the word “total” meaning a complete political control over a nation’s institutions and culture. Political Correctness is the method by which modern Liberals have been attempting to radically change America- transforming our country into a Godless, Socialist State.
Islamofascism is also a type of Totalitarianism. The goal for these jihadist radicals is to force the world into compliance regarding their particular brand of ‘controlling’ faith and religion.
So, should we be surprised then to find that Left-wing, Kool-Aid Drinking Liberals are constantly on the side of the Islamofacists in this War on Terror? No. They are in perfect agreement based upon their shared hatred of America. It remains their unifying “shared religion” espoused by all those who hate America: al Qaeda, Iran, Hugo Chavez, Ted Turner, Sean Penn, etc. As has been noted before: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Liberals like to point out that it is the “Religious Right” that is wishing to impose some sort of Theocracy on America. This is like the pot calling the kettle black. Have you ever stopped to consider what their twisted idea of “separation of church and state” really means when you combine it with their goal of an ever-increasing state? Taken together, if the church, (i.e. those expressing a belief in God), is sequestered from any inclusion in the state, then, necessarily, as the state grows larger, then the church MUST grow smaller!
Don’t let Liberals fool you. They have a religion. Their belief system disavows any consideration for evil or original sin in the world. They prefer to propagate the fantasy that “evil” only comes in the form of “oppressive” Institutions like: Capitalism, Christianity and the Military. Their catechism is one of abolishing: Profits, Morality and the U.S. Defense Dept. By so doing, they sincerely believe they can usher in their version of a holy Millennium.
Likewise, the Jihadists believe that an “ultimate paradise” is something that’s within their grasp as well- if they could just obtain more control over society. That’s why they show such little concern over the carnage resulting from their methods. It’s a simple trade-off in the Marxist tradition of “the ends, justifying the means.” Karl Marx, by the way, believed he could create “Heaven on Earth” too!
Both Islamofascists and American Liberals hold to an essential doctrine that says the world will be a better place once America- in its traditional form- is no more! When Christianity, Capitalism and the Military is made impotent, then they will have achieved their Utopia dream for the human race!
Skeptical? Just listen to the Liberals ranting and raving about America’s religious traditions, military strength and private profits. They hate them all! It represents to them the impediments to the idealistic things they seek: secularism, world government and collectivist programs!
For the Totalitarians in our midst, nothing ever changes. They always say they need a little bit more power and just a little bit more control. Witness the debate over our health care industry. The absolute worst parts of our health care today come from Liberal malfeasance that is: Medicare fraud and frivolous malpractice suits. In the religion of the Totalitarians, evidence for “sin,” or failure, serves only to substantiate their claims for “more control.” They never admit to any previous “control” or “power” errors. To admit a mistake would be to encourage more scrutiny from the masses who- after all- shouldn’t be allowed the opportunity to peer too intently behind the Temple curtain!
Human Nature is the enemy of all Totalitarians. Human beings yearn to be free as much as they yearn to fulfill their lusts. What Totalitarians fail to understand is that you can’t attempt to eradicate one aspect, without equally, eradicating the other.
Christianity, or the Judeo-Christian Ethic as it exists in Western culture, offers the only reasonable solution. Freedom of the individual must be tempered by the encouragement of self-discipline. The State or the Mullah can’t absolve you of this personal responsibility. Each sovereign individual must accept this challenge for himself. The Holy Bible, more than any other thing the world has ever known, offers the best instruction for facing that challenge successfully. Unlike the Totalitarians, those who consider the full panoply of Scripture accept the revealed reality that we will never overcome our Fallen Nature within ourselves. It will remain a spiritual battle until Christ Himself returns to restore His Kingdom.
So, why do Totalitarians war against the Bible? The Bible gives the glory for self-improvement to God, not to the State, or not to the Mullah! It also denies the notion of mankind being able to evolve toward some sort of “perfected” social state on his own. The selfish tyrants who desire control and power through the auspices of false religion: whether it’s Islamofascism, Socialism, or some other manifestation, resent and resist the competition. They- like Hillary- want the glory for themselves!
In this, the Season of our Savior’s birth, we’d be remiss if we didn’t consider that there are- most definitely- some competing “saviors” out there- desirous of our souls. (send comments to:, or mail to P.O. Box 114, Jacksboro, TN 37757)
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Perfect timing.....we would all do good to remember that.
What an absolutely wonderful post. What most folks in this nation have forgotten (or maybe not) is that the Bible teaches “personal responsibility”. The problem is no one wants to accept that responsibility. They just want someone to fix it for them. Therefore, Liberalism rules. Great post. Please keep them coming.
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