Are you weary of the War? Are you tired of hearing all the “bad news” coming out of Iraq? Perhaps, that’s by design, huh? Well, how about some good news for a change?
Al Qaeda’s on the run! Coalition forces, buttressed by the recent surge in troops, is producing some very positive results. On May 1, five terrorists were killed and 20 were detained including some senior Iraqi, al Qaeda leaders. According to Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, “these operations will affect al Qaeda’s ability to operate effectively against the people of Iraq and provide us with more information to disrupt their activities.”
Gen. Petraeus, U.S. Commander in Iraq, refers to al Qaeda as “public enemy number one” for the fact that they are contributing the most support toward the sectarian violence there which is designed to establish a “safe haven for al Qaeda within the country.” Petraeus has said that “Iraq is, in fact, the central front of al Qaeda’s global campaign.”
Defense Intelligence Agency Director Gen. Michael Maples agrees, “al Qaeda in Iraq is the largest and most active of the Iraq-based terrorist groups.” Osama bin Laden himself has proclaimed, “Baghdad is the capital of the Caliphate.” The Caliphate is the Islamic idea of a new, Muslim World Empire that would eliminate the “Infidel Cross-Worshippers” and the “Jewish Pigs,” (aka the “Crusader-Zionist Coalition”), thereby subjugating everyone to the fascist dictates of Sharia-law as practiced most faithfully by the totalitarian Taliban regime. Under this type of tyranny- women would be imprisoned within their own homes, men would be beaten for missing prayer services and girls would never be allowed to go to school.
Two weeks ago three terrorists were killed in Baghdad, one believed to be an al Qaeda cell leader. Just prior to that Iraqi Special Operation forces- trained by the U.S.- captured three other suspected terrorists and an alleged leader of the Jaysh al-Madhi militia. This particular group has been responsible for orchestrating several death squads and car bombings.
Also in recent weeks, top Sadr militia commander, Osama Abu Qader, was killed in Basra by a joint British and Iraqi military operation. Sheikh Azhar al-Duleimi, a Shiite extremist who was linked to the deaths of five American soldiers, was killed by U.S. forces. And, we can’t forget, almost one year ago al Zarqawi, the second in command of al Qaeda behind Osama bin Laden, was killed by a fortuitous U.S. air strike.
These are evil people who have vowed to destroy America. Their threats are not idle ones. 9/11, what Osama bin Laden called a “magnificent feat of valor,” unequaled in human history, will forever stand as an undeniable testament to the twisted hatred and violent intentions of these Islamo-fascists. So, whether you agree or disagree about certain aspects of this war’s conduct, you must however admit that there have been significant military achievements and long-term benefits from engaging and defeating our enemy over there, (on the offensive), so we don’t have to face them over here, (on the defensive)!
Just last week we got news of a thwarted terrorist attack at Fort Dix. Six radical Islamists were attempting to “kill as many American soldiers as possible.” This is all part of the official al Qaeda plan for victory. There will be no concessions, no compromises and no diplomatic peace initiatives forthcoming. Their strategy, as stated by their own documents is:
(1) to divide the American people from their government;
(2) to cause them to grow weary of the war; and
(3) to bleed America financially until they are bankrupt.
Iraq IS the central battlefield where the outcome of this struggle for freedom will be decided. Iraq IS the war on terror. What we have to find is the intestinal fortitude and ultimate resolve to finish them, before they finish us! According to al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, after expelling America from Iraq, the next three steps are clear: establish the Caliphate, conquer the secular countries bordering Iraq by replacing moderate governments with radical ones, and then-- attack Israel!
The Liberals in Congress can’t even be counted on to stand firm when surrendering! Last week they caved-in on Bush’s threat of a veto regarding a new spending bill for the war. The Leftists wanted a time-line for withdrawal, but the President refused to sign it out of concern for the ongoing strategy being conducted by Gen. Petraeus. Now, al Qaeda has just opened a new battle front in Lebanon. They are attacking the modern, democratic government of Lebanon with the financial support of Syrian President Bashar Assad. I guess Assad wasn’t too impressed by his recent visitor: Nancy Pelosi. Or, maybe he was…
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