Look, up in the sky, it’s a bird…it’s a plane, no it’s Booga Booga! “Dr.” Al Gore and his traveling medicine show is at it again, hawking his latest anti-Global Warming elixir. Actually he’s morelike a witch doctor. All that’s missing is a bone through the nose, a little paint on the face and a couple of ominous rattles in his hands. His new film, ”An Inconvenient Truth” is making the rounds like a bad recurring dream. This is your life…Booga Booga. The movie, which is turning out nice numbers at the box office, (albeit on a proportional basis that factors in much fewer screens), plays more like a sad, syrupy, sentimental attempt to revitalize one man’s failing political career than an authentic news story based upon fact. At various points you wonder when Ralph Edwards is going to appear saying, “do you recognize this voice, from your 4th grade biology class?” One could write this off as one big hilarious joke, in a long line of hilarious Al Gore-jokes, if not for the very serious threat we face from the Al Gore-brand of radical, leftist environmentalism. Their “junk science” may be silly and easily dismissed, but their efforts to expand the powers of government are not!
Before detailing with some of the deceptions in this latest Global Warming Hoax, it should be remembered that Al Gore’s family has a considerable interest in the Occidental Petroleum Corporation. This company has been cited for creating many environmental hazards over the years. It would seem appropriate and logical to me that one should clean-up one’s own backyard first before pointing fingers at others.
Professor Bob Carter of the Marine Geophysical Lab in Australia, has this to say about the film, “Gore’s circumstantial arguments are so weak that they are pathetic. It is simply incredible that his film is commanding public attention.” Carter maintains that most of Gore’s scientists are not even in the climate field. Carter’s assessment is that they can provide no conclusive proof that human emissions of CO2 are having any significant impact upon the global climate. Carleton University paleoclimatologist Tim Patterson agrees, “there is no meaningful correlation between CO2 levels and Earth’s temperature over this [geological] time frame.”
Nevertheless, Gore keeps chanting away demanding we stop analyzing his data and accept the “consensus truth.” To make him happy we simply must come forth with an acceptable sacrifice to appease the angry gods of Global Warming. Booga booga. We’re not suppose to listen to folks like Dr. Tim Ball, University of Winnipeg Climatologist, who says, “these models (mathematical computer models that predict Gore’s apocalyptic visions), have been consistently wrong in all their scenarios.”
Professor Patterson contends that it is completely unsubstantiated to believe that the recent relatively small increase in CO2 levels would be the major cause of the past century’s modest warming, “in fact, when CO2 levels were over ten times higher than they are now, about 450 million years ago, the planet was in the depths of the absolute coldest period in the last half billion years!”
I could go on with countless other quotations from scientists who are experts in the field of climate research, but for those with a superstitious point of view, what difference does it make? The crucial point is: how would Al Gore’s agitprop affect us, if it actually succeeded in gaining political acceptance? By the film’s end it’s no secret what the true agenda is. The key to the witch doctor’s sacrifice is America’s endorsement of the global environmental treaty known affectionately as the Kyoto Protocol. The goal of this accord is in getting top industrialized nations to cut their industrial emissions by 5.2 percent from their 1990 levels. Canada, an early signer to the treaty, has since renounced it as an unrealistic and over-burdensome policy. MIT professor, (and Democrat), Richard Lindzen calls Kyoto “baseless” and “bad” for its potential impact on government policies and the economy. He adds, “there’s no current Western leader who’s as well informed on the [climate] issue as Bush. European politicians are just using Kyoto for cheap virtue.” President Bush has always been against Kyoto. Gas prices would be in the $3.50 range, electric bills would nearly double, coal prices would rise by a factor of 153%, the GDP would be cut in half and the cost to the economy would tally in the hundreds of billions- if we listen to the witch doctor!
Al Gore seems to pride himself on being more of a prophet than a witch doctor, but I wonder if he’s contemplated what the good book says about what should be done with False Prophets? Maybe we’ll get a voodoo dance out of it yet. Anything would be better than the Macarena Megalomania we’re seeing now! (send comments to wfc83197@aol.com)
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