Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tea'd Off

Tea’d Off
Party Like It’s 1773

Last week, over a million people turned out for an estimated 850 tea party events held across the nation. Adopting the imagery of the Boston Tea Party, these independent activists from across the political spectrum brought out their pitchforks and protest signs to voice their outrage over unparalleled government spending.

Taxpayers are mad at both political parties over the fact that they will have to pay an additional $95 million every day just for the interest on the $800 billion “Stimulus Package.” They are incensed over the insanity of trying to fix a debt problem by going into more debt. These views were clearly expressed by such signs as: “give me liberty, not debt,” “don’t spread my wealth, spread my work ethic,” and “TEA = Taxed Enough Already.”

In Tennessee, the majority of the “stimulus” money includes a $608 million increase in Food Stamps. It’s hard to see how that will create new jobs or spur economic growth, but it certainly will satisfy a significant voting bloc to secure their votes in the future. But, as Eisenhower once wisely instructed, “a people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.”

These tea parties were not extolling the benefits of party privilege and patronage. They were celebrating their individual Rights-- as another sign proclaimed, “under God, not government”-- to protest the tyranny of politicians passing laws they’ve never even read! How can it be “taxation with representation” if the representatives haven’t even read the bill?

Investor’s Business Daily called the tea parties “one of the most extraordinary grassroots uprisings in the history of the republic,” and a “landmark protest” offering a “golden opportunity for freedom-loving politicians.”

By contrast, the tea parties really got under the skin of the governing elite and their Left-wing allies in the, so-called, mainstream media. These patriotic, peaceful protests were called “despicable,” “not for family viewing,” “unhealthy,” “racist,” and “redneck.” Obama was rudely dismissive saying he was “unaware” they were going on. They were characterized as “tea-bagging,” “Astroturf” rallies for “sore losers,” “weasels” and “old cranks” that represent the “wealthiest people.” Sources for these quotes include: Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill), Sr. White House Adviser David Axelrod, Janeane Garafolo, CNN-reporter Susan Roesgen, CNN-anchor Anderson Cooper, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Paul Begala and James Carville.

Never mind the fact that these crowds included people from every political and cultural demographic. Never mind that many of these people were African Americans and folks who had voted for Obama. For the Kool-aid drinkers on the Left it doesn’t matter. The Left must beat their drums ever louder in order to drown out the truth that is beginning to challenge their brainwashing mantras.

Ronald Reagan- hated by elitists in both parties- once said, “you can’t be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy.” The idea that more concentration of power into the hands of the state will somehow benefit the “little guy” is the type of absurd hoodwinking that goes on in banana republics like Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela or the Socialist Paradise of Castro’s Cuba.

“Concentration of power” to quote Reagan again, “has always been the enemy of liberty…man is not free unless government is limited.” What is ignored is the fact that it is the U.S. Constitution, not any particular political party or politician, that limits and constrains our government from trespassing upon our God-given freedoms. Put simply, those attending the tea parties understand America’s Founding principles much better than those who disparage the tea parties “The problem,” to echo Reagan again, “is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much.”

Over the past 50 years, government spending has averaged around 20% of GDP. Under Obama that rate is going up to an unprecedented 25%, or more. Our deficit-- which has a historic high of 6% of GDP—has more than doubled to 13% of GDP. At the current rate, taxes will have to be increased over the next ten years by $1.4 trillion! And remember, China has announced their intention of not buying any more of our debt. The tax avoiders in Obama’s cabinet seem unconcerned as they place more and more hard-working Americans on the hook.

Sam Adams was a leader at the original Boston Tea Party. His proclamation is as relevant today as it was back then-

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” (send comments to: WFC83197@aol.com, Facebook- On the Right Track Network, or mail to POB 114, Jacksboro, TN 37757)